Dr Shannon Irvine YouTube Power Hour Erika Vieira

Can You Train Your Brain for YouTube Success? with Dr. Shannon Irvine


Can You Train Your Brain for YouTube Success? with Dr. Shannon Irvine: The YouTube Power Hour Podcast 175

“You’ve gotta burn the bridges of non-belief or hope.”

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Are you struggling with believing in yourself? Are you having trouble growing your channel as fast as you want? Those two may be very tightly connected to each other. But not to worry, Neuropsychologist and Coach Dr. Shannon Irvine is here to help you break those mental chains! We get really in-depth into ways you can unlock your potential and free your mind to create and attract the growth and success you’be been hoping for!

Dr. Shannon Irvine has been helping entrepreneurs to tap into the power of their minds in her practice. I love how she takes “woo woo” topics and explains them with science and facts. Like the fact that we see and pay attention to 9 times more negative things than positive things, which explains a lot about why we go into a shame spiral over a single negative comment. Through her work, she helps to hardwire in your mind the exact things you want so that they’ll come to you easily and a lot more fun.

“The most successful people have figured out their own thinking and have taken their thoughts off auto-pilot.”

Her approach and belief towards how we work are really fascinating. Instead of identifying yourself as a YouTuber who’s striving to success, how much differently would you operate if you were coming from a place of generosity and abundance instead? Wouldn’t you be a lot more energized and excited to create if you knew that your success is on its way to you effortlessly? We’ll break down how to program that mindset today so you’re off to the races. Everyone has something to work on, even her, and there’s not one person on this earth without a limiting belief, so stop feeling alienated and alone and come join the limit busting party!

“90% of our daily actions and decisions come from our subconscious mind.”

5 Key Interview Takeaways

  1. Be aware of what you’re putting into your subconscious. Your conscious mind is the boss, but the subconscious is the workhorse. The things that you think and say, whether alone or with friends and family, get sent to your subconscious to be stored and acted upon. So if you’re telling yourself you’re not worthy, you not working hard enough for success, you’re stuck, you don’t know what to do, and so on and so on, what do you think your subconscious is going to do? It will give you more of the same and the cycle will keep going. Break the cycle by being more aware.
  2. Failure is not a bad thing for entrepreneurs. And YouTubers are entrepreneurs. You’re using your creativity to make a living and a life for you, your circle and the people you hire or may hire one day. That being said, failing in entrepreneurship is entirely different from what you learned in school. Getting an F was frowned upon there, but in business, it’s what you want. The more Fs you get, the more you’re learning and getting better. As are built on the back of a bunch of Fs so rethink your entire relationship with failure because it always works out in your favor in the end.
  3. Act as if you already have the goal you want. How would you think and approach things if you already had the 100,000 subscribers you want? If you were already getting millions of views, what would you be doing differently from what you do now? Would you be as stressed and overworked? Would you be as hard on yourself and as unsure of your worth and victory? Why not walk on the wild side and act as if you already have your goal? What will happen is your mind will assume you already have the success so it will come to you so much easier than when you were constantly struggling with yourself.
  4. The 4 step process to free limiting beliefs. Recognize them. Back to point 1, be aware of your thoughts and your words. When you’re in your moments of doubt or when something is not working as expected, listen even more carefully. Then: record them. Get out a pen and paper (better yet, keep one near at all times for the next 60 days) and write it down exactly as it came to you. Then: refute them out loud. Recognize this negative belief is a lie and tell yourself out loud why its a lie. The imagine you’re talking to a loved one, tell them the lie in your mind and then refute on their behalf. What is the truth? When you have that written down: repeat it. Morning and night, over and over. What will happen is you’ll start to believe the truth without needing to think too much about it.
  5. Being magnetic on camera is about believing in yourself. If you’re having trouble resonating with your audience and really finding your raving fans, it may be because you’re not being congruent. You don’t believe the things you’re saying. You don’t believe that you’re powerful and wonderful, amazing and loved. Once you strip that doubt away and fully accept and believe in yourself, you’ll be shocked to see how magnetic you become.


Dr. Shannon’s upcoming event: Learn to Think Like a Millionaire Entrepreneur

Dr. Shannon’s Free Neuro-Hack Success Audio Series

My favorite free SEO tool for YouTube: TubeBuddy
(Discount code ErikasBuddy for 20% off the paid version)

PR Guide: How to Get onto PR Lists and Get Lots of Free Product

Getting Started on YouTube: The #1 Downloaded Free Niche Discovery Workbook

Connect with Dr. Shannon

Dr. Shannon Irvine’s Website

Dr. Shannon Irvine’s Podcast

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Dr. Shannon Irvine on YouTube

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Podcast Music Credit: Boop by x50 @x50music
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/o52xQkQWzyU


Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.



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I’m Erika Vieira

I’m a YouTube strategist and coach having helped thousands of entrepreneurial women make money from YouTube while simultaneously fulfilling their passion and dreams.

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Can You Train Your Brain for YouTube Success? with Dr. Shannon Irvine