Erika Vieira

The Magic of Being Yourself on YouTube

The Magic of Being Yourself on YouTube: Beauty and the Vlog Podcast 9

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Ariel Hope Makeup Show Notes!

Below are some of my favorite moment of the interview plus the answers to the Beauty Bonus round! Please note that some of the language has been changed for easier readability. Enjoy!

In the Beginning:

My channel was a secret because I didn’t know if I was going to be successful or good at it or get a following. It was like this little secret hobby that I would do. I was obsessed with YouTube. My routine before I go to bed is to go on YouTube and watch the latest videos on there.

One of my New Years resolutions was to promote what I do and not worry what my friends were going to think. I definitely recommend for someone that has a channel, just promote yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone says, who cares.

There are a few bay area gurus near me. I used to do meet and greets with Bare Minerals. They helped and promoted me a little bit.

I told myself never to listen to haters. There was a point where there were some people that said so many negative comments and I felt like I couldn’t please everyone and make everyone happy. I’m big on making people happy and keeping people engaged.  Seeing all of those comments got to me. I almost stopped filming for a little bit, a month or a month and a half just because I totally felt down with what people said and I took it personally. Sometimes you can’t help when you see those comments, it gets you down a little bit.

A lot of people will attack your weight or they will say oh Ariel you are so boring, you have no personality. I think I am a very mellow person and very relaxed and calm. Doing videos calms me down. I’m relaxed. I’m not a bubbly person, I think my personality is very mellow. I was questioning, am I boring? Are my videos boring? Should I switch it up, should I change my personality? Looking back at it, why would I do it? I am who I am and you either like me or you don’t. There might be people who really like me because I am really mellow.

I still get those comments and sometimes you need to delete them. Sometime I just delete them and move on. Everyone is going to get haters sometime in their life whether its YouTube, high school or work at some point there will be someone who is out there who will try and pull you down. You just have to move on and you can’t take it personally.

I dont want people to think I just do this to get paid. When I first did it, I didn’t do it to get paid. I did it for a hobby. If you love doing something and you get paid for it, it’s a total bonus, why not.

Beauty Bonus Round:

What are your three Holy Grail items?

1.) Lashes; False Lashes, Foxy Lashes from Coco Lashes

2.) Bronzer, Mac Mineralize Skin Finish in Give me Sun

3.) Foundation: Bare Minerals Ready Foundation Compact

What are your two top technology must haves?

Good Lighting, Soft Box Lighting

Good Editing Program: Windows Movie Maker

I found my way through the computer and how to use it.

I think I was pretty computer savvy before I even started my channel. Playing with different programs I kind of learned as I went.

Who are your Beauty Vlogger Inspirations?

Nicole Guerrero


What do you wish you knew when you first started your channel?

1.) Lighting, when I first started I was in my room, I had terrible lighting and I would literally sit in front of a window. Good lighting is key, very important.

2.) Editing. I didn’t explore the editing program that I am using now as much then. Just getting familiar with a really inexpensive program, just to make your videos a little cleaner. You want to keep them short. When I first started my videos were way too long and I wish I had made them shorter looking back. 7-8 minutes is where I try to do it, but sometimes its hard. You dont want to draw it out because people will get bored. I personally like shorter videos, it keeps people more engaged.

What is your best piece of advice for someone just starting out?

Be yourself. People are going to like your personality and you don’t need to change it for anyone else. Dont listen to haters If its something you love and something you are passionate about then who cares what other people think. If it’s fun for you, then do your thing girl.  

All of us gurus always have a number that we want to reach in the back of our minds.

You can sit at home and make a video and share your experiences and your experiences with other people and make that a job.

Promote yourself. For me it took me a little bit longer to promote myself because I was a little bit shy about it. Be consistent, thats the biggest thing. If you are going to make videos, try and do it at least once a week. If you have the time, do it. Just making things look clean and short and professional, thats my advice. Be Yourself and if you love it and passionate about it, do your thing and go for it.

Channel Details:

Subscribers: 73,000

Views: 5.6 million

Visit Ariel and her channel here!

Comment below what you find to be the biggest challenge either having a YouTube channel or starting one! Thank you for listening!

Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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