Erika Vieira

How to Start a Magazine: From YouTube to Editor in Chief

How to Start a Magazine: From YouTube to Editor in Chief with Lauren Taylor: BV Podcast 52


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Lauren Taylor is a 24 year old YouTuber and entrepreneur. Lauren started her YouTube channel in 2013 which inspired her to start Tend Magazine, a quarterly magazine that she launched in 2014. Trend Magazine features popular creatives and their lifestyles including fashion, makeup, advice and much more. Lauren is currently undergoing a Kickstarter campaign for her magazine to take it to the next level.

My Thoughts on How to Start a Magazine: From YouTube to Editor in Chief with Lauren Taylor.

Lauren Taylor is the creator and editor in chief of Trend magazine, a magazine she started focusing on the lives of influencers. I met Lauren through our manager, who we share. He said, you should meet Lauren, she’s great and you guys are doing something similar, there has to be a way you guys can work together. When we connected, our first phone call was over an hour and we had so many similar stories working with influencers and had a lot of fun chatting and getting to know one another. I wrote a few articles for her magazine and we talked about having her on the show. Lauren is doing something really unique and different, which is what I have always advocated. She has her YouTube channel, but she is taking a different angle with her content by creating a magazine. It’s not an easy road and she is deinfetley taking a risk, but when she blows up, it’ll be a huge reward for her. What I love most about Lauren is her spirit and energy. Listeninig to this podcast you will see right away how inspirational she is. She has such a positive outlook on life and her career as a young female business owner. She had a vision and just went for it which is very admirable.

What you will learn in this episode:

How to start a magazine with no experience or money.

The best way to stay motivated with your YouTube channel and content.

Her favorite quote that keeps her going on tough days.

How to network online.

Key Takeaways from the Interview with Lauren Taylor from Trend Magazine:

You don’t need money and experience to start a magazine, but it helps to reach out to people who know what they are doing. Lauren was completely foreign to the world of magazine publication, so she seeked assistance from others.

Lauren is incredibly self-motivated which is vital for success on YouTube and in business. She has a strong belief in her magazine and her further success. She gives numerous mantras throughout this interview that help her continue to keep going and stay motivated.

“I just always thought that, when you have faith in something and when you put everything into it, then I think it will work, no matter how long it takes.” 

Lauren is aware of how inspirational and powerful a public voice is. She discussed the power that being an influencer can have. She also pointed out how size doesn’t necessarily matter. Someone with a small amount of followers can still have impact and change lives. What you do matters and should be taken seriously.

People don’t really know the power of their voice and what it can do.

They’re taking the time out of their day to watch a three to six minute video. You can change a person’s life in that three to six minutes.

Finally, Lauren gives some really awesome tips on networking at events along with connecting with people online to help you with your business goals.


Here are some additional favorite quotes from the interview:

That’s what I was really looking for with my channel, was to be able to connect with others.

Because you are the only one, no matter how many people on your team, you are the only one who created this and who has to be the faith behind it.

If you feel like all the doors are closed, find a window.

Click below if you want a transcript of the interview to keep.


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Comment Below:

What did this interview inspire you to do? What do you do to stay motivated with your channel and social accounts?

Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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