Erika Vieira

How one mom was able to support her family of 4 with YouTube

How one mom was able to support her family of 4 with YouTube Sam Schuerman: Beauty and the Vlog Podcast 20

Sam Schuerman is a stay at home mom of two with three YouTube channels. She has become so successful with her channels that her husband has been able to quit his job and the both dedicate their time full time to her YouTube. Her beauty channel has 183k subsribers and 14 million video views. Her vlog channel, “The Schuerman Show” has 66k subscribers with 11 million views and her “Mommy” channel has 44k subscribers with 1 million views.

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Sam Schuerman Show Notes! 

I was a hairstylist and makeup artist professionally. I used to watch Kandee Johnson and Panachea81. I just thought they were super awesome. one day I had a client ask me what are your hobbies and I had nothing to say. I just worked, I cleaned I went home and I didn’t really do anything. I went home and my husband said, why don’t you do YouTube videos like that girl Kandee you watch. Why don’t you share what you have learned through your work teaching young girls how to cover their acne or just to feel prettier about themselves. That is why I started. Kandee and Lauren are the people  that pushed me to do it otherwise I wouldn’t have even known about it. Kandee was so positive and uplifting, she was so inspiring. Just to see how she has grown. she was one of my favorites. She was the first person I have ever watched.

How has YouTube changed since you first started back in 2009?

It has become huge. When I first started there weren’t that many people on there. There was Kandee, its Judy time, there were a few people but it wasn’t like it is now. Back them I didn’t even know you could make money on YouTube. It wasn’t anything I had any clue about. You had to become a partner and apply to become a partner and monetize. You could only do a 10 minute video, they cut you off. It was so different than than what it is now. It was more about a how-to, like how-to paint your car. Now it’s more of  entertainment purposes. It’s just so much bigger than it used to be.

Beauty Bonus Round:

Three Holy Grail items:

  1. Becca Ultimate Coverage complexion Cream Foundation:Love it, so good.
  2. Best LAsh Extreme mascara from Jordana
  3. MAC Boldly Bare Lipliner: That is a must have.

Best tip our listeners can implement that will help them increase views:

First of all, just being social on there makes a huge difference as far as collaborating. Just letting people know that you’re there. If you are just going to sit there and wait for people it will never happen It might, but it will be slow. Getting yourself out there, making friends with other people on YouTube.  Being social on Twitter, being social on instagram. Just being part of the community because for so long I was not part of the community in the beginning. I didn’t know any of that stuff. It wasn’t until the last year that I learned I had to socialize, myself. That is huge. Dont go on there thinking you are going on there to make money. Do it because you love it and are passionate about it. Whatever else comes from that is a bonus. If you are doing what you love then it doesn’t matter if you get paid or not. All of these extra things that come to me is a huge surprise and bonus. Wow, its awesome I didn’t expect it. Dont expect too much because then when things do come then it’s a fun bonus. YouTube is very saturated and very hard to get out there now. People will see through it. If you are out there trying to make a quick dollar people will sense it. You need to be passionate and do it for the right reasons.

Who is your Beauty Vlogger Inspiration?

Kandee. I love Kandee and I know her personally so I can love her any more. Judy from its Judy tIme, she’s a daily vlogger. Michelle Phan, she is on a different realm. Bethany Mota. I have people where I hope to be like that one day. Its doubtful, but a girl can dream.

What is your favorite social media platform?

I have to say I am a super sucker for instagram. I love looking at pictures and I love stalking peoples hair. That sounds weird. I love catching up with people that way because it’s quick and easy and I can do it quickly before bed. It’s a way to promote what you are doing without having to do a video. I love Twitter because that is where I reply to people who watch me. Twitter and Facebook is where I talk to my people. Twitter is a great way to connect with brands. Say you feature Becca or MAC in your video. You tweet it and tag the company. Usually nothing comes but it gets you out there.  I do get retweerts which is important. That brand that has a million followers is retweeting you and someone might see you. Twitter is more professional. Facebook is a little harder to connect with brands that way. Facebook is my little family and friends where we can share pictures and hang out.

Do you have a software or internet resource tool you use?

I just use iMovie for editing which I love. Bitly is awesome for getting your links, it’s free. Say you have a link that is long, you can shorten it and it saves every single one of the links you have always used instead of having to go and google every time. PicMonkey is great. It’s free. That is where I do all of my thumbnails. Other than that Im’ basic. I just don’t use anything super duper.

Is there a behavior you have that leads to your success?

I think being me, real. Just letting your own natural personality shine through. There are a lot of people you look at that makes you feel like crap about yourself. I just want to be real and make people feel like they can connect with me and relate to me. There are people on YouTube who are so much better makeup artist and more talented than I am. Hopefully people are having fun with me and sitting down and talking to a friend. If I am talking to you on the screen it’s like we are sitting down and hanging out.

Any last piece of advice for anyone just starting?

Do what you love, do what you are passionate about. Have patience. Do not go into it expecting. I have been at it for 5 years and have 170k subscribers. Some people blow up. But don’t go into YouTube thinking it will happen to you. It take a lot of hard work and dedication. Dedication and dont give up. Keep on putting your stuff out there, something might come of it. If nothing comes of it at least you had fun.


Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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