Erika Vieira

What You Need to Know to Grow Your Channel P1

What You Need to Know to Grow Your YouTube Channel with YouTube Expert Roberto Blake P1: Beauty and the Vlog Podcast 83

CEO and Creative Director of Create Awesome Media, Roberto Blake is an innovative entrepreneur helping businesses, brands and individuals market themselves successfully with engaging videos and effective messages. Roberto has ten-plus years of experience commercially in advertising, design and marketing, help brands both large and small achieve their goals and reach their audiences. He started his own YouTube channel in 2013, capitalizing on skills in graphic design, photography and video editing to offer creative people a resource.

Roberto’s work has been recognized by Forbes, Huffington Post, Adobe and Photoshop Creative magazines. He is also a HOW Design Live speaker covering topics such as video marketing, personal branding, entrepreneurship, career development and social media. In this podcast, Roberto explains the updated YouTube algorithm and offers strategies to increase your watch time. He also discusses hacks that increase efficiency and marketing principles that can help grow your channel!

 Key Interview Takeaways

YouTube offers an incredible opportunity to showcase your talents. The platform has no barrier to entry and is the next best thing to showing up in person!

Depending upon the format of your channel, subscribers may not watch every single video you upload. Roberto’s channel is education-based, a public library for creatives, thus his audience watches a video when they need the information.

Do prep work to reduce the anxiety of uploading. Roberto suggests batching and shooting B-roll to increase efficiency.

Leverage the updated YouTube algorithm. Rather than trying to mimic big YouTubers, remember that the new formula is geared toward user behavior. Make sure your video will pop as a recommendation based on what a user watched recently.

Think of your channel like a retail business. Packaging (your thumbnail), inventory (number of videos), distribution and merchandising (your thumbnail appearing as a recommendation) are important aspects of getting your product out there.

Offer your own unique style when writing titles and thumbnails. Ideally, you want to pique interest by doing something a little different – while still using labels that communicate what your video is about.

“Think like a fan.” What would a potential viewer type in the search bar? Include those keywords in your titles, tags and descriptions.

Consider taking advantage of TubeBuddy. This tool keeps track of data for your channel, and it can even tell you the best day and time to upload for your individual audience.

Watch time matters, and raw numbers matter more than video completion. It is better for a viewer to watch ten minutes of a 15-minute video than a three-minute video in its entirety.

“Don’t mass produce mediocrity.” While Roberto does recommend that you upload on a regular basis, make sure the content is quality.

Disregard advice that isn’t accurate or actionable. Show up for the people in your community, and serve that audience by talking about what you love.

Develop playlists to increase your watch time. YouTube gives you credit for the time people spend on the channel, whether the content is yours or not!

Episode Sponsor:

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Also, if you are an online beauty influencer and would like to connect with Sunja Mitchell, the owner of Empress Tips to be placed on her PR list for samples to review, email her at and use “Beauty and the Vlog” in the subject line.



Connect with Roberto Blake


Roberto’s YouTube Channel


Facebook Page

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Facebook Group:

Don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Facebook group if you are a YouTube content creator or you are thinking of starting a channel!

If you haven’t already make sure you grab your YouTube tools guide below!

Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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