Erika Vieira

How To Manifest A Million Followers on YouTube with Manifestation Babe Kathrin Zenkina

How To Manifest A Million Followers on YouTube with Manifestation Babe Kathrin Zenkina: The YouTube Power Hour Podcast 167

“Perfect is the lowest standard that you can set for yourself.”

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Ready to have your mind blown and create anything you want? If you’ve heard about manifestation and ever wondered what all the fuss was about, I’m talking about my success story with the Manifestation Babe herself! Kathrin Zenkina gives you the steps to manifestation success in today’s episode!

Kathrin was heading down a path that led to the life she totally didn’t want – becoming the doctor her parents wanted – when she came face to face with her destiny. Her hunger for learning and self-development brought her to a Tony Robbins event, Unleash The Power Within (UPW), and that experience changed everything. It got her to break free from her obligations to others, and get in touch with what she wanted for herself.

“If you’re so busy focusing on the lack of where you are, you’re going to create more of that stuck energy.”

With that mindset shift, she gave up plans to go to med school, moved to Los Angeles and started Manifestation Babe on her grandmother’s couch. Fast forward to today and she’s happily married, doing what she loves and making millions of dollars doing it. To top it all off, she’s helping women manifest their best lives as well!

“It doesn’t matter if you’re focusing on how much life sucks, or how amazing life is, you get exactly what you put out into the universe.”

Kathrin comes from a humble immigrant family where they grew up in scarcity. She created Manifestation Babe for women who are obsessed with taking their life to the next level, unleashing their inner magic, breaking through their limitations, and “manifesting a reality, wilder than their wildest dreams.”

“The moment you set an intention or create a vision, it is already done on an energetic level.”

6 Key Interview Takeaways

  1. Listen to your inner voice, the quiet voice speaks volumes. Kathrin said while she was at Tony Robbins’ UPW event she kept hearing a voice in the back of her head asking her why she was on her path to becoming a doctor. It was through answering it truthfully that she realized she was doing it for all the wrong reasons. That voice in the back of your head won’t steer you wrong. Kathrin recommends practicing getting quiet and removing the noise and clutter in your mind with meditation to hear that voice more clearly.
  2. Authenticity is in. Some of the most engaging posts for Kathrin have been the ones where she’s shared a deeply personal story about a failure or some event that happened in her life. Authenticity is in now ladies. People are craving the truth, they’re craving real moments. So pull back the curtain every once in a while, or better yet, work on becoming your true self as much as possible in your videos and in all your content. Do it because it feels right.
  3. Follow your urges and curiosity. Do you want to know how to create a truly unique life? By getting off the path most people are on and following your own curiosity. The things you chase with passion and interest will grow and multiply because you are giving it your time, effort and attention. So keep doing the things that spark your interest and light you up. It will lead you to success.
  4. You are enough. If you haven’t heard that lately, Kathrin and I want you to hear it from us today. You are Enough. You may not have all the answers right now, and you may feel out of your depth, but you’re a complete person. You’re exceptional, amazing and you have all the tools you need to be successful. So remember that, and keep doing you.
  5. Your life’s purpose is not what you do, it’s about who you are. This idea that we’ll magically find the ONE thing we’re meant to do forever is an idea that doesn’t sit well with Kathrin. Instead, she believes that your life’s purpose is to be the best, highest version of yourself. Once you’re being your best self, whatever you do will shine brightly, even if you have a thousand different interests.
  6. Everything you have in life is a reflection of yourself. Are you dissatisfied with your life, your significant other, your surroundings and what you’re currently doing? Well, that might be the way it is because you’ve manifested it in your life. What are you thinking about or focusing on? What limits are you placing on your potential? What are you saying you’re not worthy of or don’t deserve? Are any of those thoughts serving you? Maybe its time to give them up, and manifest something positive!


The YouTube Power Hour Podcast Episode 164: Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android DevicesSpotify

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Podcast Music Credit: Boop by x50 @x50music
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs


Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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