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YouTube Hashtags for Video Search

All About YouTube Hashtags: Beauty and the Vlog Podcast 66

All About YouTube Hashtags: Beauty and the Vlog Podcast 66

Instagram does it. Facebook does it. Now, YouTube is doing it. YouTube silently announced a few months ago that it would begin rolling out the ability to search for videos using hashtags. We are used to using this feature on Instagram, so it makes sense for YouTube hashtags. Sometimes we don’t want YouTube to decide what we see based upon their mysterious algorithm. NOW, you can search via hashtag to see not only the most popular videos that have been updated featuring that hashtag, but the most recent videos as well. Read on for info on YouTube hashtags or click on pink bar below to listen to audio podcast version of this post. You can also listen to it on iTunes

What does this mean for you, the content creator?

While YouTube hashtags are relatively new and not as widely adopted as in Instagram, it could be something that might gain momentum. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to optimize your videos for hashtag search. YouTube allows you up to 15 hashtags in your title or description box. I would highly suggest putting those hashtags in the description box and forget about putting it in your title. You don’t want to clutter up your title with hashtags, it looks messy and you will get the same benefits just putting those hashtags in your description box. Please note, hashtags are different than the tags that you put when you are uploading a video. You still need to continue putting those tags in, these hashtags are an additional group of tags that will be related to hashtag searches.

Different Uses for YouTube Hashtag Video Search

Adding a hashtag search feature on YouTube provides a few unique uses that were not available before.
First, you can create a widespread collaboration with your followers or other YouTubers. People can find all the participants of that collaboration using the designated custom hashtag. You can do the same thing for  challenge videos. Challenge videos are huge in the beauty community and if you are doing a “highlighterchallenge or #fullfaceusingliquidlipstickchannelnge or any other ridiculous, of the moment challenge, be sure to use the hashtag. Tagged videos are also prime opportunities to use the hashtag such as the “ride or die tag” video that makeup YouTuber Jaclyn Hill created. Another idea for the hashtag is a giveaway. If you wanted any kind of shoutout or video response as a requirement to a giveaway, tracking those responses are much easier now with the hashtag. Finally, I would encourage you to create custom hashtags for your own brand including your full name and channel name so if a brand, network, YouTuber or anyone else is wanting to search your videos, they can do it via hashtag search as well.

How do I get started with YouTube hashtags?

It’s pretty simple. Just go back to some of your recent videos and add up to 15 hashtags in the comments section of your videos. The words actually have to contain the hashtag symbol (#) just like in Instagram. I wouldn’t go crazy hash-tagging all of your videos. Just pick your highest viewed videos and go from there Try using hashtags people would use to search for that particular video. Right now, we are in the beginning stages, so you have the advantage of being an early adopter. But, because hashtags are still rather new, don’t expect to get a ton of traffic right away. It’s good practice moving forward to take advantage of this new feature and ultimately, any method that gets more eyes on your videos is key for growth. I would also encourage you to play around with hashtags yourself. Start searching hashtags for topics and things that interest you to see how other people are using it.
YouTube came out with a help article that details specific rules pertaining to YouTube hashtags. Here are the basic points they mentioned:
  • Don’t use spaces when using YouTube hashtags.
  • The maximum limit to hashtags used per video is 15. If you go over that limit, they actually will not count any of the tags and your video has the potential to be flagged.
  • Hashtags need to be related to your video.
  • Nothing inappropriate such as hate speech, vulgarity, swear words or sexual content.

That’s it! This is all the info you need pertaining to YouTube hashtag searches. Comment below if you have any other ideas for using hashtags in YouTube.

Are you just starting out and need some guidance on some great equipment? Below is a roundup of some of the favorite tools mentioned on the show.

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If you are looking to start a channel or learn more about growing your channel, check out these recent podcast episodes:

How to Launch Your YouTube Channel Lesson 1: Finding your Niche BV Podcast 49

How to get Noticed by Brands as an Influencer: BV Podcast 48

From 0 to 100k Subscribers in Under a Year with Yarissa Rodriguez BV Podcast 53

If you havent already, make sure to grab your YouTube Tools Guide BELOW!

Author: Erika Vieira

Marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira is the host and producer of the #1 influencer strategy podcast, The YouTube Power Hour. The podcast, with over 100 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads is dedicated to content creators who are looking to start, improve and grow their unique influence online. Erika works with influencers on personal branding, content improvement and defining a niche via customized strategy sessions, channel critiques and business support. She also loves makeup, beauty and her family and believes anyone who has the drive and passion can find success online. Feel free to send her a message here.

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