Nathaly Juarez

I found Erika a year into my YouTube channel. Through her help, I have gained a better understanding being a social media influencer. A year ago, when I started listening to Erika, I was posting just to post videos and pictures on Instagram. Although I had an end goal, I didn’t know how to get there or how to transition my passion project into a business. Implementing a strategy into my YouTube channel made my channel boost up from 3k subscribers to almost 8k now in less than a year.

Nathaly is almost at 10k YouTube Subscribers and launched and facilitated The Fresno Women’s Summit!



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I’m Erika Vieira

I’m a YouTube strategist and coach having helped thousands of entrepreneurial women make money from YouTube while simultaneously fulfilling their passion and dreams.

FREE YouTube Masterclass

These 3 Mistakes Are Slowing Down Your YouTube Growth by at least 50%


Success stories

Get inspired by the entrepreneurial women who learned my systems and are earning money and making an impact with their content!

Nathaly Juarez