Erika is a wealth of knowledge and information when it comes to the growth and success of running a youtube channel. Her channel critiques + strategy sessions are extremely well thought out and thorough. Its amazing to me how she can look at a channel and pin-point exactly what can be improved upon! And whats great is she is not just giving constructive criticism and leaving it at that – she gives suggestions, tips and tricks on HOW you can improve and what exactly can be done differently or better. A Channel Critique/Strategy Session with Erika will truly change the way you think about and view your channel as well as how Youtube works. You’ll learn how to make youtube work in your favor!
With my own channel critique there were a couple things she mentioned that I feel like I already knew I could be doing, but she made me realize how important it was for me to really be doing them. It was an eye opener. She also mentioned several new things and ideas that I had no clue I SHOULD be doing in order to get more views to my videos. I learned more about what my true niche was and what I needed to let go of in order to really grow and get my channel in the right direction. She also gave me some great advice on how I could really showcase small & indie brands that I had a passion for working with! Overall, she gave me knowledge on how I could work smarter and not harder to the point of burn out (which is where I almost was when I had my session with her). I am so thankful for her help, insight and knowledge. It has helped me tremendously and I know it would be a help to anyone who has a session with her!
Maria just hit 5k YouTube subscribers!